Starting the New Year with a Reflection of Where You’ve Been & Setting Intentions for Where You are Going

Every New Year's Day I sit down to reflect on the year that I concluded and dream about what is ahead. It may sound a bit corny but it has grounded me immensely through the years. The truth is we often forget what we’ve gone through because our minds are wired to focus on our current circumstances. Reflecting helps us notice the themes in our life, recognize the progress we have made, and take a moment to be grateful for our experiences. Even the failures can highlight where we have been brave. The scars we carry form us deeply.

Upon doing my own reflection, I was surprised at how many books I read this year. I’d thought I was too busy for pleasure reading. Simply noticing what I had read brought to mind the journey those stories took me on. In particular one book, The Midnight Library, had been recommended to me by a client who passed away this year from a chronic illness. They were relatively young and walking with them toward their death was a moving experience. Reading this book helped me through my grief of the client. Remembering that I read it, reminded me of my client and the rich themes in the book (I highly recommend it).

Without intentionality, it is so easy to miss our own stories. Take a minute to consider yours.  Here's a rough format of what I use. You can copy and paste it into your own document. 


Highlights from 2023:

Things I learned:

New relationships fromed:

Travel Experiences:

Books I read:

Shows & movies I liked:

Favorite songs:

What I tried and failed at (here’s to being brave):

Losses & heartbreaks:

Financial goals met:

What I don’t want to forget:

For the year ahead, instead of resolutions, I like to compile my goals and come up with a theme or word that ties them all together. For example, if I wanted to exercise, establish routines, and drink plenty of water; the word I choose could be self-care, rhythms, or body-awareness. This word then becomes a banner for my year. Through the year when I am trying to make choices for my life, I’ll run it through the filter of my theme to see if the decision is integrated with the vision I have for myself. The theme can be robust with words like healing, congruent, self-discovery, flourish, spiritual awakening, daring.

I find that words are more sustainable than resolutions which seem to loose steam within the first few months of the year. This is an exercise that I do with all my clients every year around this time of year. This practice has brought me much clarity and reflection. I hope you give it a try. If you like it maybe it is something that you can make your own. May it guide you to a more robust vision of your 2024.  

Intentions for 2024:

What are some goals I’d like to see accomplished this year?

    • Categories: 

    •           Financial

    •           Relational 

    •           Physical 

    •           Spiritual

    •           Educationally

    •           Career Oriented 

    •           Creatively 

    •           Personal development-wise 

    •           Other

Anything I am afraid of?

Anything I did not do last year that I would like to bring into this new year?

What action do I need to take?

Do I need a guide or accountability to maintain these goals?

Is there a word or theme that ties this together?

Now take a moment to be grateful that you took the time to reflect on your life. No matter what happens from here, you are being intentional and connecting with yourself. What a great way to start your year. Good job & good luck on your journey.

© Candice Thompson 2024